SJPUPDATES#5 Public Forum on Globalisation

Kia ora all,
In this update>>>>
(A) Public Forum on corporate globalisation
(C) News, opinion and analysis from the web

(A) >>>>>Public forum on corporate globalisation>>>>>

A public forum on globalisation in Aotearoa, across the Pacific and the world
When: Thursday, 9th of November 6pm-8pm
What: 10 short presentations of five to eight minutes, followed by two short films and followed by drinks and stew at Fordes Front Bench.
Where: Room Arts 716, on the 7th Floor of the Arts Building
University of Auckland, Corner Symonds St & Grafton Rd

Kia ora everyone,
As you may know, the finance ministers and reserve bank governors of 19 of the world’s largest economies, and the President of the World Bank, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and representatives from the European Union and the European Central Bank will meet in Melbourne late this November under the guise of the “G20”.

Member nations are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK and the US. Together they comprise two-thirds of the world’s population, 90% of global GDP and 80% of world trade.

Demonstrations and alternative ‘global justice’ conferences have been planned in Melbourne to disrupt the conference and build the global justice movement down under. The conference is a self-proclaimed coordination event for further neo-liberal reforms. Their global plan to take over the world calls for, “policies of deregulation, privatisation, and liberalisation of international transactions are important means of strengthening competition.” We must resist and refuse their unjust trade agreements, debt repayment schemes that come with neo-liberal reforms as a prerequisite and militarism.

The G20’s arrival in Melbourne is, we thought, as good a time as ever to talk about the effects that corporate globalisation is having on Aotearoa, the Pacific and across the world. The militant and diverse “movement of movements” that exist in Tamaki Makaurau to challenge this agenda are coming together to talk about contemporary struggles, the urgent challenges and the potentials for new possibilities to refuse, reform and resist the neo-liberal agenda.
All said, we invite you and whoever it may interest, to a public forum;

“A Shadow Across the World”

A public forum on globalisation in Aotearoa, across the Pacific and the world
When: Thursday, 9th of November 6pm-8pm
What: 10 short presentations of five to eight minutes, followed by two short films and followed by drinks and stew at Fordes Front Bench.
Where: Room Arts 716, on the 7th Floor of the Arts Building
University of Auckland, Corner Symonds St & Grafton Rd

[For links and background material to what the speakers will be discussing see: ]

Presenters are:
Ingrid Beckers an organiser for the National Distribution Union and previously with the Unite! union will talk about community unionism in a time of globalisation. Ingrid will, using her experience from and the recent lock out of 500 supermarket distribution workers, give reasons why unions must build a community base to challenge and resist the increasingly powerful and flexible multinational corporations.

Dr. David Bedggood from the university’s Sociology Department will talk about the recent struggle of Bolivian miners to take back their mines from multi-national corporations. Bolivian miners have been engaged in vicious class warfare with the mine owners and scabing workers for control of the mines.

Penny Bright, spokesperson for the Water Pressure Group, will talk about using direct action against the privatisation of water in Auckland city. The Water Pressure Group has for many years been using direct action, including boycott of paying and water reconnections, to disrupt the council’s privatisation of water.

Joe Carolan, from the Workers Charter Movement and a veteran of the Battle of Genoa (in 2001, 300 000 people marched in Genoa against the G8 and came head to head with violent state repression) will talk about contesting neo-liberalism at world leaders summits and the lessons of past mobilisations.

Fala Haulangi, campaign organiser of the Clean Start campaign for the Service and Food Workers Union. She will be talking about the effects of globalisation on cleaners and the global campaign that has been started to get wage justice for cleaners. Fala’s home of Tuvalu will be the first casualty of the warm world that corporate globalisation is creating.

Jo McVeagh from Greenpeace and Josephine Newman from ClimAction will be discussing our countries climate change policy, the effects climate change will have on Aotearoa and the Pacific, what people can do to stop climate change, what is being done in Aotearoa to stop climate change.

Mike Sousa, from the Dry River Collective in Tucson, Arizona will outline the mobilisations against the US-Mexican border and the work of activists and organisers in the United Stated to challenge the border and ‘Fortress America’.

Mike Treen, secretary of the Unite! union, and spokesperson for Global Peace and Justice Auckland, will discuss his experiences in a solidarity delegation to Chavez’s Venezuela this year, and the growing mobilisations against capitalism and imperialism that is happening in Venezuela.

Cameron Walker from the Indonesian Human Rights Committee who will talk about the ongoing colonisation of West Papua and the links between Freeport mine in Papua and the New Zealand government.

Omar Hamed from Aotearoa Indymedia, Aotearoa Radical Youth and a participant of the ‘Pacific Youth Festival’ 2006 in Tahiti will talk about the emerging framework of regional dominance in the Pacific through neo-liberal trade agreements. Omar will discuss the motives behind Australasia’s agenda in the Pacific and offer solutions of how we can ‘reel’ in our rogue state from continued plunder of the Pacific.

Followed by the 13 min film – Tasi Timor – the film documents the popular protests in Dili, East Timor, in 2004 against Australia’s ongoing occupation of the Timor sea and exploitation of the vast oil reserves contained therein. and the 9 minute film – A Tide is Turning – a film that documents the 2004 Hikoi against the Foreshore and Seabed Bill.

This forum was organised by Omar Hamed. He can be contacted on or 021 150 3597

Omar is leaving for the G20 on the 14th of November, he will be placing daily reports from his experiences at the G20 on the Aotearoa Indymedia Centre, accompanied by photos, audio and video.

More info: &

(B) >>>>>Allah Made Me Funny – THE OFFICIAL MUSLIM COMEDY TOUR>>>>>
When: 12 November, Auckland
Where: Aotea Centre, The Edge
Who: After their raging success in North America and the United Kingdom, American Muslim stand-up comedians Preacher Moss and Azhar Usman are sure to have Australian audiences laughing loud and thinking hard.
What:In the great American tradition of maligned communities finding their voice through stand-up, Allah Made Me Funny counters the negative stereotypes and attitudes about Muslims and Arabs by poking fun at themselves, their communities and the prejudices they face.
How much: $35 only
More details:

(B)>>>>>Public Forum >>>>>

(C)>>>>>News, opinion and analysis from the web>>>>>>

1. Peaceful Bil’in Protestors Attacked by IOF
2. Olive Harvest in Tel Rumeida under Threat from Settlers
3. Lebanese man killed handling Israeli cluster bomb
4. Israel’s New Arsenal
5. US Military Adopts Desperate Tactics in al-Anbar – Dahr Jamail
6. Baghdad is under siege – Patrick Cockburn

1. Peaceful Bil’in Protestors Attacked by IOF
Twelve-year old Ibrahim Ghazi Beit-Ilo was hit in the neck by shrapnel from a live bullet following a peaceful protest march against the Apartheid Wall in Bil’in today. He underwent surgery at the Ramallah goverment hospital and the shrapnel was successfully removed. Another 16 people were injured by shrapnel from exploding tear gas and sound bomb cannisters or were beaten with military truncheons. Two Israeli protestors were arrested.
for video and audio footage of the demo visit for photos see:

2. Olive Harvest in Tel Rumeida under Threat from Settlers
Our Palestinian neighbour, H, lives only 2 metres away from the Tel Rumeida settlement. On Wednesday night he came over to explain to the internationals living in Tel Rumeida the situation as they had offered to help him with an olive harvest. H has experienced continual harassment from the settlers who want to force him out and occupy his house and land. They have put razor wire across a path so that he cannot access a safer way to his home and have built their own steps down onto this land so that they can work it themselves. One of the main people responsible for this is a woman who recently moved to the Tel Rumeida settlement after having been evicted from the settlements in Gaza.

3. Lebanese man killed handling Israeli cluster bomb
BAALBECK, Lebanon (AFP) – A man was killed and two other people injured in eastern Lebanon when part of an Israeli cluster bomb exploded in the man’s hands.

4.Israel’s New Arsenal
What bizarre science-fiction horrors have to occur before
the American media wakes up to the strange war that Israel
is prosecuting against Palestinian and Lebanese civilians?
People are still being maimed or killed every day in
Lebanon thanks to unexploded cluster ordinance dropped
massively by Israel in the 48 hours after a cease-fire had
been negotiated but before it went into effect. Over 30
Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in October alone. As
usual, however, Lebanon and Palestine have vanished from
the newscycle (where Israel is currently represented by a
president who refuses to step down despite an
all-but-indictment for multiple rape charges and an openly
fascist party joining the government ). But there has been
a steady drumbeat of revelations, largely in the Israeli
and British media, ignored entirely by the American media,
about Israel’s use of horrifying new weapons on civilian

5. US Military Adopts Desperate Tactics in al-Anbar – Dahr Jamail
FALLUJAH – Increased violence is being countered by harsh
new measures across the Sunni-dominated al-Anbar province
west of Baghdad, residents say.

6. Baghdad is under siege – Patrick Cockburn
Sunni insurgents have cut the roads linking the city to
the rest of Iraq. The country is being partitioned as
militiamen fight bloody battles for control of towns and
villages north and south of the capital.

7. Pause for Peace
Gaza–HERE in Gaza, few dream of peace. For now, most dare only to dream of a lack of war. It is for this reason that
Hamas proposes a long-term truce during which the Israeli
and Palestinian peoples can try to negotiate a lasting

8. Gaza’s medical lifeline cut by border closures
CAIRO – Hopes that the single border crossing between the
Gaza Strip and Egypt would reopen and bring relief to
hundreds of Gazan medical patients have been dashed after
reports of an imminent Israeli attack on the border were
met by the deployment of thousands of Egyptian troops to
the area.

“Remember the solidarity shown to Palestine here and everywhere… and remember also that there is a cause to which many people have committed themselves, difficulties and terrible obstacles notwithstanding. Why? Because it is a just cause, a noble ideal, a moral quest for equality and human rights.” – Edward Said, Palestinian/American historian/political commentator
SJP on the internet:

One response to “SJPUPDATES#5 Public Forum on Globalisation

  1. hey there, just browsed onto your site.

    I think it’s great what you guys are doing. I’ve started my own forum for group discussions on anything. If anyone would like to join, your support is much appreciated.

    Keep up the great work here.


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